We are happy to share the abstract of the key note speech by Professor Margaret S. Archer.
The speech will be titled: Subjectivity, Identity and Belongingness: How Reflexivity links them.
Margaret S. Archer, British Professor of sociology, the graduate of the London School of Economic and Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Paris, she held teaching posts at University of Cambridge, London School of Economics, University of Reading, full Professor at the University of Warwick since 1979, she also led the Centre for Social Ontology” at the Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne. The first woman president of the International Sociological Association elected for the 1986-1990 term.
The congresses of the Polish sociologists have a rich tradition that dates back to 1930s. Customarily, there has also been a leading theme accepted. It is referred to by the Congress participants during plenary sessions, symposia and thematic groups which gather the best experts on the issue and the public interested in it. Traditionally, Polish Sociological Congresses have related to contemporary challenges and sought for the answers to the weighty questions, taking into account, among others, the Polish society as well as Europe and the world in the process of change.