Prof. Margaret S. Archer will be the Keynote speaker at XVII Polish Sociological Congress

Margaret S. Archer, British Professor of sociology, the graduate of the London School of Economic and Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Paris, she held teaching posts at University of Cambridge, London School of Economics, University of Reading, full Professor at the University of Warwick since 1979, she also led the Centre for Social Ontology” at the Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne. The first woman president of the International Sociological Association elected for the 1986-1990 term. The Author of many books in the area of critical social realism and relational sociology. The founder member of both the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences and the Academy of Learned Societies in the Social Sciences and is a trustee of the Centre for Critical Realism. In 2017, she received the honoris causa doctorate from the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw for her contribution to the research on human ontology as the basis of sociology and the original conception of structure and agency.

Professor Margaret S. Archer is the author of one of the last theoretical syntheses of the turn of XX and XXI centuries and her research on the morphogenesis of subject can be directly related to the theme of the XVII Polish Sociological Congress in Wrocław (“Me, Us, Them? Subjectivity, identity, belonging”). She develops the theory of critical realism, including the stratified ontology of human subject which is her critical response to the assumptions of rational choice theories and constructivist turn in sociology. The outcome of her long-term research is the elaboration of morphogenetic approach as the explanatory framework of Critical Realism.


To take part in the Congress please register in the Coffee Conference System

Important dates

For details and fees please visit participation section.

15th March 2019
participants willing to present a paper in thematic groups
15th April 2019
participants willing to organize an additional event
31th August 2019
   participants not willing to present a paper   

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