
Wrocław Stadium
9:00 – 11:00Registration
11:00 – 12:00Opening
12:00 – 13:30Coctail
13:30 – 15:00

Subjectivity, Identity and Belongingness: How Reflexivity links them
Key note lecture by Professor Margaret Archer
Polish-English and English-Polish translation

15:00 – 15:30Coffee break
15:30 – 17:45Thematic sessions I
17:45 – 20:00Additional events
18:00 - 20:00The Role of Sociology in a Changing World
Presidential session
Wrocław Stadium
9:15 – 11:30


1. Sociology, sociologists, the regaining of independence and the creation of scientific institutions in the Second Polish Republic
Organizer: Rafał Wiśniewski
Polish-English and English-Polish translation

2. Poland as country of immigration
Organizers: Marek Czyżewski, Magdalena Łukasiuk, Mikołaj Pawlak; 

3. Human as an agent - concepts of agency in sociology
Organizers: Krzysztof Wielecki Joanna Wyleżałek

4. The Great Change of 1989
Organizer: Mirosława Grabowska
Polish-English and English-Polish translation

11:30 – 12:00Coffee break
12:00 – 14:15Thematic sessions II
14:15 – 15:30Lunch break
15:30 – 17:45


1. Social Poland: Successes, crises and failures of the transformation period
Organizers: Section of Social Work PSA, Jolanta Grotowska-Leder

2. Were the 60s an apogee of Polish modernity? Communist modernization and social sciences in the period of the Polish People's Republic.
Organizer: Tomasz Zarycki

3. Interpreters or co-creators of social life. Public and media engagement of Polish sociologists
Organizer: Arkadiusz Jabłoński

4. Sociology and environmental challenges. The possibility of change.
Organizer: Dorota Rancew Sikora
Polish-English and English-Polish translation

18:00 - 19:00The PSA Board Meeting with the PSA Sections
17:45 – 20:00Additional events
20:30 – …

Wrocław Congress Center

Wrocław Stadium and special venues in the city
9:15 – 11:30Thematic sessions III
11:30 – 12:00Coffee break
12:00 – 14:15Thematic sessions IV
14:15 – 15:30Lunch break
15:30 – 16:30Sections' Board Meetings
17:30 – 19:45


1. Western and Northern territories - new contexts and challenges
Organizers: Zbigniew Kurcz, Anna Śliz
Venue: Centrum Historii Zajezdnia, Grabiszynska Street

2. From the researchers' workshops
Organizer: Janusz Durlik (OFBOR, PTBRiO)
Venue: Centrum Historii Zajezdnia, Grabiszynska Street

3. De / Re-constructing European borders in times of crises - voices of researchers and practicioners
Organizer: Elżbieta Opiłowska
Polish-English and English-Polish translation
Venue: Dolnośląskie Centrum Filmowe, Piłsudskiego Street

4. The Sociology in Central and Eastern Europe
Organizers: Marcin Dębicki, Irena Wolska-Zogata
Polish-English and English-Polish translation
Venue: Oratorium Marianum, University of Wrocław main building, Uniwersytecki Square 1

20:00 – …Cultural programme
Wrocław Stadium
9:15 – 11:30Thematic sessions V
11:30 – 12:00Coffee break
12:00 – 14:15

Closing plenary session

Revolution or reproduction. Continuity and change in social hierarchies in Poland and beyond.
Organizer: Tomasz Zarycki
Polish-English and English-Polish translation

14:15 – …Additional events


To take part in the Congress please register in the Coffee Conference System

Important dates

For details and fees please visit participation section.

15th March 2019
participants willing to present a paper in thematic groups
15th April 2019
participants willing to organize an additional event
31th August 2019
   participants not willing to present a paper   

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